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Name - What is Blackport Holding Facility’s full name?

Blackport Holding Facility

Type - What type of location is Blackport Holding Facility?


Description - Describe Blackport Holding Facility.

Tavnoin's prison

edit Notes

Tavnoin is known for being quite strict, and with that comes the inevitable need to house those who break the laws. Blackport Holding Facility, known to most simply as Blackport, is the building that fills that need. Located just north of Tavnoin itself the towering spire is meant to be seen from all points within the city as a reminder for its citizens to behave lest they too end up within its walls.

Those who end up imprisoned don't talk about what they were witness to, or if they are inclined to try they can't seem to remember exactly what happened to them during their time inside. Guards escort prisoners to an entrance hallway and pick them up from that place, never seeing the actual people in charge of the prison. There is a lot of mystery and speculation surrounding it, but one thing is clear; Blackport is not a place most people want to end up at.

At some point there had been another prison north of Bellmore for the city to deal with its own criminals called Blackport II but after a prison break Tavnoin made a point of saying they didn't trust Bellmore to run such an operation and closed the facility down. It was completely demolished some time later, the empty shell having become a shelter for the homeless and those who wished to keep their activities away from the prying eyes of society, and nothing remains now but the stone foundations.

When The Sovereign Galen was defeated and Zaela took up his title she began to go through those imprisoned in Blackport. Most were set free, being wrongly imprisoned or imprisoned for far longer than what was appropriate for their crime.

However the Sovereign Zaela knows she can't save everyone, so she renamed Blackport to The Sealed Tower of Reflection; now meant to be a place for criminals to live out their lives in isolation. With no way to enter or leave the people are teleported in to their rooms. Magic causes them to heal if they try to self harm, feel full but never satisfied, and live until such time as they died of other natural causes. The rooms were furnished with just a bed and a magical window to the outside, and once you were sent in there was no getting out.

To some this was more cruel than what her predecessor had done with Blackport, but every society needs to have a place for its criminals, and a deterrent not to get caught. And most still don't know what to think of the Sovereign Zaela so they say nothing about what she's created.

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