info Overview
Name - What is The Fringes (WIP)’s full name?

The Fringes (WIP)

Description - Describe The Fringes (WIP).

The uncharted, untamed edges of the galaxy

Type - What type of location is The Fringes (WIP)?


face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in The Fringes (WIP)?

MANY. There is no universal galactic currency, although most large markets only accept certain, more common kinds of money. In smaller markets, trading and bartering is usually the way to go when doing business with foreigners.

Language - What languages are spoken in The Fringes (WIP)?

Hahahah. ahahah. The Galactic Library officially recognizes almost one million distinct languages, although a small percentage are much more common than the rest. This doesn't count dialects and undiscovered or dead languages, by the way.

Population - What is The Fringes (WIP)’s population?

No census on such a scale has ever been successfully undertaken.

business Cities
map Geography
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history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by The Dust on

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