info Overview
Name - What is Morgan's Dorm Rentals’s full name?

Morgan's Dorm Rentals

Type - What type of location is Morgan's Dorm Rentals?

19 cabins with varying numbers of dorms in each one, run by Hara Morgan. Each cabin gets downgraded a bit from the last, with Cabin 1 being the nicest and Cabin 19 being the worst.
Located in the city of Mak, which is near the border between Albain and Russae (the city is in Russae).

Description - Describe Morgan's Dorm Rentals.

Essentially a hotel or campground

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Morgan's Dorm Rentals?

Mostly Russaen, some Albainian and Bankan. Of course, the universal language of Err is spoken.

Currency - What currencies are used in Morgan's Dorm Rentals?

Russ, the Russaen currency

Laws - What are the laws in Morgan's Dorm Rentals?

All Russaen laws apply.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Morgan's Dorm Rentals in?

In the Russaen-Albainian plains

Located at - Where is Morgan's Dorm Rentals located?

Located near the Albainian border

Climate - What is the climate like in Morgan's Dorm Rentals?

Warm, dry days; cold, dry nights

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Morgan's Dorm Rentals founded?

Founded by Hara Morgan, an Albainian immigrant, for others traveling through the two countries. She noticed that there were few places to stay in the area and set up a sort of hotel.

Established Year - When was Morgan's Dorm Rentals established?


edit Notes

A site visited by Thailah and Darian when they're attempting to get out of Albain.


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