info Overview
Name - What is Opstigner’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Opstigner?


Description - Describe Opstigner.

Inpenitrable fortress used to inprison dangerous people and creatures.

face Culture
Population - What is Opstigner’s population?


business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Opstigner in?

Opstigner is a large cement slab of a building perched atop a large hill of jagged earth. The facility has only one entrance, a heavily guarded tungsten door, kept under close guard at all times.

Located at - Where is Opstigner located?


Climate - What is the climate like in Opstigner?

Warm, humid, claustrophobic.

book History
Founding Story - How was Opstigner founded?

After tensions eased between the shard groups, the government did a mass arrest of the sevens involved in the persecution of the ones, rounded them all up, and built a facility to hold them. They have been separated from their families for over 40 years at this point, with the novel starting at 202X.

Established Year - When was Opstigner established?


history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Questing Weston on

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