info Overview
Name - What is Punt’s full name?


Description - Describe Punt.

Punt was a city full of magicians who once hearing the chaos/massacre in Atlantis, did something similar. They erased all geographical knowledge of their location, but kept their existence. then they raised their city into the sky. It exists in a warped dimensional space, similar to the Bazzaar. It doesn't exist in the sky from the outside, but once inside there is the illusion of flying over the countryside.

Type - What type of location is Punt?

The Flying City.

face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in Punt?

Standard Lunar (Silver Crescents, Golden Moons), Crystalis, Avails,

Language - What languages are spoken in Punt?

Common, English, French, Arabic, Nymph (Air Dialect), Elvish, High Elvish,

Population - What is Punt’s population?

3 Million

Motto - What is Punt’s motto?

Morbi semper super omnia

Float Always Above All

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Punt?

It is rather airy and chilly in Punt. As they did actually float in the sky for a while, when they moved into a Pocket Dimension They brought the Climate along with them, They have many flying species and animals as It is easier for them to freely fly in Punt.

Area - What kind of area is Punt in?

Pocket Dimension

Crops - What crops does Punt produce?

Punt has several floating farms with regular crops, they also produce many dyes.

Located at - Where is Punt located?

Pocket Dimension (Punt)

book History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Jeana on

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