info Overview
Name - What is Temple of Elements ’s full name?

Temple of Elements

Type - What type of location is Temple of Elements ?


Description - Describe Temple of Elements .

Home of Sorace and Orgion.

face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in Temple of Elements ?

In Althalos the main currencies are different coins. Golds, Half-golds, Silvers, Half-silvers, Coppers, Half-coppers.

Sports - What sports are played in Temple of Elements ?

Officially, none. But there would be some kind of place to hang out, mess around, have a good time, and train.

Laws - What are the laws in Temple of Elements ?

Orgion sets most of the rules. But that is because they apply to Sorace. In the beginning there was a standard set of rules about truth and peace.

Motto - What is Temple of Elements ’s motto?

Docere et Labora

Population - What is Temple of Elements ’s population?

In the beginning there were probably at least one hundred and fifty people. When Morlus killed them only Orgion and the ones that left survived. By book three, they have probably fifty people.

Language - What languages are spoken in Temple of Elements ?

Mostly Common, but at it's height many spoke elvish and some even dwarvish.

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Temple of Elements ?

20-90 degrees.

Located at - Where is Temple of Elements located?

On the top of the East Mountain.

Crops - What crops does Temple of Elements produce?

Standard vegetables

Area - What kind of area is Temple of Elements in?

Near the top of a mountain surrounded by a lake. It is less than a mile from the East side of the island.

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has Temple of Elements been involved in?

The slaughter of the Elementalists by Morlus.

Founding Story - How was Temple of Elements founded?

It was built by the second generation Elementalists after the first one fell to ruins and was found to be unpractical.

Established Year - When was Temple of Elements established?

Aprox 103 AL

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Dom on

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