info Overview
Name - What is Aldeya’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Aldeya?


Description - Describe Aldeya.

The highly Religous Republic has the largest number of cultural importent places, and the smallest number in battleships

face Culture
Population - What is Aldeya’s population?

Relatively low

Motto - What is Aldeya’s motto?

"May the Spirits guide and protect us"

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Aldeya in?

The Island of Aldeya is mostly coverd in Mountains and a few woods

Crops - What crops does Aldeya produce?

Trees for wood and fiber

Located at - Where is Aldeya located?

In the Ocean of A-Kon-deya, near the ekvator

Climate - What is the climate like in Aldeya?

Around 20 to 25 degree, high air humitity

book History
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Aldeya

This location was created by Jarhara Jai Arik on

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