info Overview
Name - What is the name of Crystal Keeper?

Crystal Keeper

Description - How would you describe Crystal Keeper?

The destined role of Pureborn Alicorns

Type of job - What kind of job is Crystal Keeper?


Alternate names - What other names is Crystal Keeper referred to as?


storage Requirements
Education - What kind of education is necessary to work for Crystal Keeper?


Experience - What experience is necessary to work for Crystal Keeper?

Healing Magic
Support Magic

hdr_weak Risks
Occupational hazards - What are the most common risks and hazards associated with the Crystal Keeper job?

Long-term exposure to the Crystal Gems

Reputation - What reputation does Crystal Keeper earn its workers?

Next to the members of The Mantle, the Keepers are the most respected Alicorns in Alidia.

hdr_strong Rewards
grain Specialization
Promotions - How are promotions handled at Crystal Keeper?

Older Keepers are promoted to Head Keeper after the previous one retires or passes away.

date_range History
edit Notes

This job was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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