info Overview
Name - What is Tree of Life Pendant’s full name?

Tree of Life Pendant

Item Type - What type of item is Tree of Life Pendant?

Shifter Totem

Description - Describe Tree of Life Pendant.

The totem for Ginny Thomas, the Shifter's ability to shift between her human and beast forms.

redeem Looks
General Appearance

The totem is a pendant that can be attached to a necklace chain. The pendant is a round circle about an inch in diameter. Directly in the center sits a large tree with wide branches and wide roots.

The symbol is commonly understood to be the Tree of Life, specifically the Celtic tradition, connecting Heaven, Earth and the Afterlife to all forms of creation.

While the totem is a necklace, the chain it sits on is not considered part of the pendant. It can be removed from its chain should the owner desire.

Materials - What is Tree of Life Pendant made out of?

The pendant appears to be made entirely out of pure silver. The chain is an ordinary jewelry stainless steel.

Weight - How much does Tree of Life Pendant weigh?

less than a pound

Past Appearances

The totem has not changed as long as it's been in Ginny's possession

date_range History
Year it was made - When was Tree of Life Pendant made?

Ginny's turning, circa 2017-ish

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Tree of Life Pendant possess?

Wearing the totem allows Ginny to shift between her Human form and her Beast form.

Ginny's Beast form is that of an ordinary grey wolf, with a lighter grey pattern to her fur.

Magic Spells

She has no other magic on the totem itself and is under no sort of Totem Possession.

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Personal Possessions link linked Tree of Life Pendant

Character chevron_right Magic Items link linked Tree of Life Pendant

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