info Overview
Name - What is Reaper's Blade’s full name?

Reaper's Blade

Item Type - What type of item is Reaper's Blade?

The knives given to all Reapers to hunt down their targets with. If the target does not come willingly, the invincible knives will unfortunately come into use.

Description - Describe Reaper's Blade.

The invincible knives given to all of King Hyperion's Reapers

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Reaper's Blade made out of?

An invincible metal concocted by King Hyperion; its contents are unknown.

Weight - How much does Reaper's Blade weigh?

Rather heavy, although the Reapers carry them with ease

date_range History
Year it was made - When was Reaper's Blade made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Reaper's Blade possess?

Is invincible until its creater, King Hyperion, falls; has poison and disease embedded in it so that any unfortunate person who is stabbed dies almost instantly

edit Notes

While there are 30 Reaper's Blades for the 30 Reapers, I'm focusing on Reaper 27's Blade since he's the main Reaper that we follow.

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