info Overview
Name - What is LKS’s full name?


Item Type - What type of item is LKS?


Description - Describe LKS.

Lyn Kyoketsu-Shoge, specifically designed and produced by and for The Cult of Lyn.

redeem Looks
Materials - What is LKS made out of?

The two blades are made of stainless steel, the hilt is made of carbon-fiber with a grippy rubber casing. The rope is a carbon fiber rope, and the flat ring at the end of the rope is stainless steel.


Kyoketsu-shoge have many uses, from slashing to stabbing to grappling to ensnaring. Here are them in a bit more detail:
Slashing and stabbing are pretty self explanatory, as the main part of the LKS is a dagger-like blade with a curved blade attached at the base at a 45 degree angle.
Grappling makes use of the second-most prominent part of the LKS, the 15 ft rope. By swinging and throwing the blade end of the LKS, the curved second blade can act as a hook to grab onto a ledge or object, and then you can make use of the rope to climb, swing, or pull. The ring end of the LKS can also be thrown to grapple onto corner or protruding areas.
Ensnaring is a pretty general term when it comes to LKS, but some example uses are using the rope and the blade to grab an enemy's weapon and disarm them, grappling the blade across a walkway to trip someone, or wrapping/tying someone or something up.
The ring end of the LKS is also occasionally used for blunt strikes and even deflecting attacks.

date_range History
flash_on Abilities
edit Notes
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