info Overview
Name - What is Registration Card ’s full name?

Registration Card

Description - Describe Registration Card .

Is used to register people to get through portals, but can also store and display infomation, audio call people, take pictures, and send instant messages, like a phone (No games though)

Item Type - What type of item is Registration Card ?


redeem Looks
Materials - What is Registration Card made out of?

Digital software.

book History
Year it was made - When was Registration Card made?

When the population of the universe began to grow to the point where there was control needed as to who went through portals.

flash_on Abilities
history Changelog
edit Notes

Is used to allow portal access. When a citizen turns ten, they receive their own Reg. Card, but they have necessary parental restrictions, and cannot teleport without a known relative of theirs. When they turn fifteen, their parental restrictions are removed, and they can now teleport with at least one person who must be their age or older, but they cannot leave the confines of the Endom without a known relative. When they turn twenty (adulthood), They can now teleport on their own, and to anywhere they like. However, this is when the yearly portal tax is registered.


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