info Overview
Name - What is Marielle's Ceremonial Dagger’s full name?

Marielle's Ceremonial Dagger

Description - Describe Marielle's Ceremonial Dagger.

Jeweled hilt with Deracose crest on it, Sapphires

Item Type - What type of item is Marielle's Ceremonial Dagger?


redeem Looks
Materials - What is Marielle's Ceremonial Dagger made out of?

Sapphires, steel, white Rondolvon gold

Weight - How much does Marielle's Ceremonial Dagger weigh?

2 lbs

book History
Year it was made - When was Marielle's Ceremonial Dagger made?

50 AE It was created for the marriage ceremony between a king and his bride. The knife would always go to the queen to symbolize that beauty could still serve a vital purpose, that strength and beauty can work hand in hand. Old wives use to joke that it meant that a woman could be much more ruthless than her husband if pressed. A dagger is so much more personal than the sword they would say, such as a queen should be.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Marielle's Ceremonial Dagger possess?

Just a dark history ... maybe both Marielle and Eline are tied to it because Straivia killed on one and accused the other with it. Maybe it must be plunged into Straivia's heart before they can be released...

history Changelog
edit Notes

I don't know if this is what should finally kill Stravia or not. I'm imagining Nati smashing open a glass case and throwing it.


This item was created by Deca P. Carlisle on

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