info Overview
Name - What is the name of Addison Corporation?

Addison Corporation

Description - How would you describe the Addison Corporation group?

A company providing "cost-effective" energy to large swaths of Northern Vermont and Southern Quebec, and aiming to expand even further.

Other names - What other names is Addison Corporation known by?

Addison Co, "AdCo" if you want to be cutesy.

call_split Hierarchy
list Members
Other Members

Larry Ashley (father of Elizabeth Ashley), former interns Bradley Saxton and Jacob Ellis Branson, and many others.

location_on Locations
business Purpose
Motivations - What motivates Addison Corporation?

(ABBA voice) Money, money, money!

Goals - What is the primary goal of Addison Corporation?

On a local level, to extend their services through northwestern New Hampshire and northeastern New York. On a national level, to thoroughly and sincerely propose the "bizarre, high-calorific trees" in their nearby forests as a potential biofuel, revolutionizing the energy industry and gaining wealth and recognition.

thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
edit Notes
Group chevron_right Enemies link linked Addison Corporation

This group was created by charlotte on

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