info Overview
Name - What is Steven Saltzer’s full name?

Steven Saltzer

Role - What is Steven Saltzer’s role in your story?

Addison's aide. A weak but cunning mage.

Other names - What other aliases does Steven Saltzer go by?


Age - How old is Steven Saltzer?

70 (appears around 50)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Steven Saltzer have?

Stutters often, has a slumped posture. Talks with his hands. Somewhat faded British accent.

Motivations - What motivates Steven Saltzer most?

Making himself useful, distracting himself from his ongoing existential crisis.

Flaws - What flaws does Steven Saltzer have?

Cowardly, bootlicking, indecisive

Talents - What talents does Steven Saltzer have?

He's got a knack for numbers, and can be very diplomatic.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Steven Saltzer have?

Reading history books, playing chess, playing piano, alchemy

Personality type - What personality type is Steven Saltzer?

INFJ 1w9


Depression, arthritis

Zodiac Sign



Oblivion, infinity

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Steven Saltzer practice?


Politics - What politics does Steven Saltzer have?


Occupation - What is Steven Saltzer’s occupation?

PR manager and personal aide to Tanner Addison

Favorite color - What is Steven Saltzer’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Steven Saltzer’s favorite food?

Rice pudding

Favorite possession - What is Steven Saltzer’s favorite possession?

An antique ivory mortar and pestle, said to have been used by the Count of St. Germain for alchemy.

Favorite animal - What is Steven Saltzer’s favorite animal?

He's always had a soft spot for arachnids: he has a pink-toed tarantula named Lucinda and a jumping spider named Jasper. He also has a ball python named Chapman (because get it, python, haha)

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Steven Saltzer weigh?

124 lbs

Height - How tall is Steven Saltzer?


Hair Color - What color is Steven Saltzer’s hair?

Graying dark brown

Hair Style - How does Steven Saltzer style their hair?

Short, sleek, side-parted

Eye Color - What is Steven Saltzer’s eye color?

Hazel with round glasses

Skin Tone


Body Type

Very skinny, very square jaw

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device_hub Family
format_list_bulleted Stats
looks Random
audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes
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This character was created by charlotte on

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