The Grand Council
Corrupt Republic
None, any decisions made by the council are final
The city has utmost faith and trust in them
The council of five makes every decision regarding the grand scheme of the city
They openly statee that they will respect it, but they secretly make sure to spy on anyone that would oppose them
Immigration is unheard of, as no one ever actually attempts to move into the city
50 years
The members of the five main races each elect one of their own to sit upon the council.
Almost everyone in the city looks up to them as people who will carry the city forward
International relations are unheard of, the government tries to keep the fact that people live outside of the city a secret
The space program constructed a singular space station before being shut down, this occured 9,000 years ago
Airships, mainly
The ocean is unexplored, as such, there is none
The military consists of highly trained soldiers from the five main races
At the beginning of the 10th era, the remaining survivors decided that a coucil would be the most efficient way for the heroes to command troops
The only "War" to ever occur was when the entire military was crushed by the Black gears at the end of the 10th era
This government was created by Golden Link on
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