info Overview
Name - What's the name of Theocrocy of Talara?

Theocrocy of Talara

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is Theocrocy of Talara?

A theocrocy

Power Source - Where does Theocrocy of Talara's source of power come from?

From there god king

cloud Ideologies
gavel Process
Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in Theocrocy of Talara?


visibility Populace
group Members
Navy - What does Theocrocy of Talara's navy look like?

none existent

Airforce - What does Theocrocy of Talara's airforce look like?


date_range History
Notable Wars - What notable wars throughout history has Theocrocy of Talara been involved in?

several dozen conflicts involving the Goltari, the Northern Gate and Stanzgar, they also participated in the North War, and all of the Talaran rebellions

shopping_cart Assets
edit Notes

This government was created by Garth Campbell on

See more from Garth Campbell
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