info Overview
Name - What is the name of Acta Yev Tea?

Acta Yev Tea

Description - How would you describe Acta Yev Tea?

A common tea in the nine realms, Acta Yev Tea is popular with young children and the elderly for its naturally sweet and cool flavour.

Type of food - What kind of food is Acta Yev Tea?


kitchen Recipe
room_service Sales
Cost - How much does Acta Yev Tea cost?

Acta Yev Tea typically sells for 5 axi at most. (5 USD)

Sold by - Who sells Acta Yev Tea?

Most cafes will sell this tea with the others, and it can be found at stores as well

Rarity - How rare is it to see Acta Yev Tea?

Quite rare in restaurants, but not at all uncommon in grocery stores.

restaurant Eating
Serving - How is Acta Yev Tea served?

Acta Yev tea, contrary to most teas, is best served cool or even cold.

Texture - What is the texture of Acta Yev Tea?


Scent - What does Acta Yev Tea smell like when served?

Many often describe it as smelling akin to peppermint when ready.

Flavor - What are Acta Yev Tea's flavors?

Normally, this tea is sweet and slightly minty, but other flavours are commonly added to enhance it.

cake Effects
Nutrition - How nutritious is Acta Yev Tea? What nutrients does it have?

This tea is quite healthy, and can even be used to cure ailments such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Side effects - What are the common side effects of eating Acta Yev Tea?

Drinking too much or drinking in cold environments may lower the drinker's body temperature to unhealthy levels.

history History
history Changelog
edit Notes
Flora chevron_right Leaves link mentioned Acta Yev Tea

This food was created by Michael Palmer on

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