info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?

Acta Yev

Description - How would you describe Acta Yev?

Acta yev, commonly known by its translation "Chilled joy" is a genus of plant in the tribe Mentheae. Distinction of the different species in this genus is difficult at best and impossible at worst.

Other names - What other names is Acta Yev known by?

Chilled joy

bubble_chart Classification





Gaudium refrigeratum

local_florist Appearance
Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Acta Yev?

Icy whites

Height - How high does Acta Yev grow?

10–120 cm

Smell - What does Acta Yev smell like?

like mint

Taste - What does Acta Yev taste like?

the flowers don't taste like anything particularly, but the leaves are satisfyingly cool.

add_box Produce
Medicinal purposes - Does Acta Yev have any medicinal use?

Some people use the extract in fever medicine or to flavour other syrupy medicines.

Leaves - What can the leaves of Acta Yev be used for?

The leaves are commonly ground up and used in Acta Yev Tea

Magical effects

language Ecosystem
Reproduction - How does Acta Yev reproduce and spread?

vegetative propagation

Seasonality - What seasons or climates is Acta Yev most often found in?

Near Niflheim

edit Notes

This flora was created by Michael Palmer on

See more from Michael Palmer
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