info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?


Description - How would you describe Hyancinths?

A small genus of bulbous, fragrant flowering plants.

bubble_chart Classification






local_florist Appearance
Size - How big does Hyancinths grow?

grows to a height of 15–20 cm (6–8 in).

Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Hyancinths?

The color of the blue flower hyacinth plant varies between 'mid-blue' to violet blue and bluish purple.

add_box Produce
Seeds - What kinds of seeds does Hyancinths produce?

After flowering the ripening of the seed capsules begins. They are fleshy, spherical structures. When the capsules reach maturity, they get dried and split into three parts. Each part has two subdivisions and contains a different quantity of seeds. The seeds are black grains with one white elaiosome of variable size. The seeds are dispersed through myrmecochory; that is, ants find the seeds and take them into their burrows where they use the elaiosome for food. There the seeds can germinate.

language ecosystem
Reproduction - How does Hyancinths reproduce and spread?

The reproduction of the plant in cultivation can be done easily by dividing the newly appeared bulbs from the main plant. In nature, this method is also used by the hyacinth but the plant also has a specific kind of reproduction by seeds.

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