[Crystal Fungus]
Brightly-colored fungus that grows off of the crystals that make up the caverns of Esole- the color depends on that of the crystal from which it grows, depth, etc.
Varied- can be as large as one's head or as small as a fingernail in full maturity, depending on the conditions of its growth
It is generally not used for material goods
none- it spores, as it is a fungus
Essential for the health and wellbeing of the Esolans, being their main food source
Spores- there is no wind underground to carry it about, so most fungus stays clustered to specific areas/ along the banks of underground waterways where it has the most movement
The coloring of the fungus relates to the coloring of different regions of Esolans; there is some classism according to the different regions/accesses to kinds of fungi, thus leading to skin-based prejudices being a rife issue in their society.
This flora was created by Zoë Jacks on Notebook.ai.
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