info Overview
Name - What is Shadow Spark's name?

Shadow Spark

Description - How would you describe Shadow Spark?

After embracing the shadows, and being gifted with wings by Lorelei, Shadow Spark's power has now increased drastically

Other Names - What other names is Shadow Spark known by?

Moon Spark, Moony

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Shadow Spark looks like physically?

Tall and dark, eyes are completely white, hair like a storm

Height - How tall is Shadow Spark?

About Celestia's height

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
Symbols - What symbols are commonly associated with Shadow Spark?

Lightning, shadows, the moon

Elements - What elements are commonly associated with Shadow Spark?

Electro, Dark

grade Powers
Strengths - What are Shadow Spark's strengths?

Extremely quick

import_contacts Rituals
date_range History
edit Notes
Deity chevron_right Partners link linked Shadow Spark

This deity was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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