info Overview
Name - What is Erow of Lazaron's name?

Erow of Lazaron

Name Pronunciation


Description - How would you describe Erow of Lazaron?

Almighty Father (deceased)

accessibility Appearance


Gender and Sexuality

Male, polysexual

Height - How tall is Erow of Lazaron?


Body Type

Round, broad-shoulders

Weight - How much does Erow of Lazaron weigh?

18 stone

Skin tone

Dark tan

Eye colour

Stormy grey

Hair colour and style

Salt and pepper.

Short back and sides, swept back.

Identifying marks

A triangular stripe going down his forehead.
Scars on his right cheek and arms.

fingerprint Nature
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers
import_contacts Rituals
work Inventory
date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes
Lore chevron_right Deities link linked Erow of Lazaron

Deity chevron_right Siblings link linked Erow of Lazaron

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