info Overview
Name - What is Salaphire of Lazaron's name?

Salaphire of Lazaron

Name Pronunciation


Description - How would you describe Salaphire of Lazaron?

Goddess of Good Fortune

Other Names - What other names is Salaphire of Lazaron known by?


accessibility Appearance


Gender and Sexuality

Female, heterosexual

Height - How tall is Salaphire of Lazaron?

5'5, but she always wears heels to make herself at least 5'9

Body Type

Deilcate but athletic

Skin tone

Dark tan

Eye colour

Jade green

Hair colour and style

Fiery orange.

Wavy pixie cut

Identifying marks

A singular triangle stripe on her right cheek

fingerprint Nature
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers
import_contacts Rituals
work Inventory
date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes
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