info Overview
Name - What is Quell of Ujiah's name?

Quell of Ujiah

Name Pronunciation


Description - How would you describe Quell of Ujiah?

God of Memories

Other Names - What other names is Quell of Ujiah known by?


accessibility Appearance


Gender and Sexuality

Male, homosexual

Height - How tall is Quell of Ujiah?


Body Type

Athletic, muscular, tall

Weight - How much does Quell of Ujiah weigh?

13 stone

Skin tone


Eye colour


Hair colour and style

Deep red

Originally long and kept in a ponytail, since being in the human realm it's now short and way, and tends to get into his eyes a lot.

Identifying marks

Faint swirling markings on the bridge of his nose and left cheek.

fingerprint Nature
supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers

Maintain the qualities of memories of every living being (not including plants)

import_contacts Rituals
work Inventory
date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes
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