info Overview
Name - What is Chrona of Ujiah's name?

Chrona of Ujiah

Description - How would you describe Chrona of Ujiah?

Goddess of Time

Other Names - What other names is Chrona of Ujiah known by?

The Mute Goddess

accessibility Appearance


Gender and Sexuality

Female, straight

Height - How tall is Chrona of Ujiah?


Body Type

Average but a little on the slimmer side

Weight - How much does Chrona of Ujiah weigh?

11 stone

Skin tone

Pale pink

Eye colour

Right: Clock design on the iris, no pupil
Left: Green

Hair colour and style

Deep red

Straight, up or down, side parting

Identifying marks

Faint swirling markings on arms, the clock eye

fingerprint Nature

She's kind and caring to everyone she meets, she sees no reason to treat certain people differently (i.e she would treat a murderer with as much kindness as she would her best friend in the hopes that they are not as pad of a person as people make them out to be.)

Chrona is pretty much mute, she can still talk she just doesn't have anyone to talk to other than Quell, Azael and Amalis, earning her the nickname of The Mute Goddess.Due to this though, she is able to think quickly when faced with a difficult choice. (This is the complete opposite when she is human, the anxiety comes into affect and has a negative impact on how she deals with certain situations.)

Chrona has never felt a single hint of anger or hatred towards anyone, even if they have treated her badly, and has never done a single thing to retaliate to violence (which changes when she enters VII.)


She doesn't fully understand how other people work (i.e behavior) so she finds it difficult to fit in with earthly society.
She is too trusting because she doesn't want to believe that people would actually harm others (despite witnessing death first-hand)


Helping her friends to do what makes them happy, as this in turn makes her happy.
Going for a walk in woodlands areas are an escape for Chrona when she is a human as it helps her to relax and make sense of all her thoughts.

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers


Strengths - What are Chrona of Ujiah's strengths?

Stopping time, altering the flow of time

Weaknesses - What are Chrona of Ujiah's weaknesses?

Preventing rifts from opening in the multiverse

import_contacts Rituals
work Inventory
date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes
Lore chevron_right Deities link linked Chrona of Ujiah

Deity chevron_right Siblings link linked Chrona of Ujiah

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