info Overview
Name - What is Nenet's name?


Description - How would you describe Nenet?

As the spirit of interconnection, Nenet wove a great layer over the entire world, connecting the consciousnesses of every living being, along with those of herself and her fellow Spirits with one another. This also gave people the ability to created alternative ways to connect with one another.

Nenet resides in the skies and around the layer of consciousness, to make sure it stay intact.

However, she does not control the connection that people and animals have to this layer.

accessibility Appearance
account_circle Personality
supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers
settings_input_antenna Rituals
date_range History
edit Notes
Group chevron_right Members link linked Nenet

Magic chevron_right Deities link linked Nenet

This deity was created by ArnarionRey on

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