info Overview
Name - What is Avonaco's name?


Description - How would you describe Avonaco?

Avonaco is the spirit of wildlife. He is responsible of the lives of almost every non-human creature that walks the Earth.

He resides in a North-American Sanctuary.

Other Names - What other names is Avonaco known by?

The Wild One

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Avonaco looks like physically?

Avonaco closely resembles a large native American man, with dark, braided hair. He is clothed in a large bear pelt.

In some instances, he also changes in to the form of a very large bear.

account_circle Personality
Personality Traits:

Avonaco is a very serious and stern being. Throughout history, he has seem too many of his animals slaughtered and harmed for the simplest of reasons, which caused him to turn away from humanity, only tending to his animal subjects.

Those whom he catches harming his creations, will face his wrath.

He has an almost symbiotic bond with Eireen, as she is the caretaker of nature.

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers
settings_input_antenna Rituals
date_range History
edit Notes
Group chevron_right Members link linked Avonaco

Magic chevron_right Deities link linked Avonaco

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