Spirit and caretaker of nature. Eireen tends to roam the Earth, as she feels more connected to the very forests and fields that she created.
Eireen is also one of the elementals, making her the Elemental of Nature for Europe.
Mother of Nature
The first thing one would notice about Eireen, is that her Earthly form closely resembles that of a human, yet her skin is a deep green,, with her hair having an even darker shade of green. The only form of clothing she dons, seems to be some sort of dress, made up of thin mint green vines, that cover her body from her chest, to her ankles.
Eireen has a very caring and gentle personality, yet she tends to prefer the company of her flora and Avonaco's animals, as they are much less disrespectful towards her creations.
She shows a cynical form of kindness to those who willingly harm the nature she poured her very being into, in order to create it.
Yet, there are humans, whom she tolerates and even deeply cares for, like Elessëa and Arnarion.
This deity was created by ArnarionRey on Notebook.ai.
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