info Overview
Name - What is Jabali's name?


Description - How would you describe Jabali?

The Spirit of strength. He gave people the ability to tap into their inner strength.

Other Names - What other names is Jabali known by?

The Warrior

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Jabali looks like physically?

He resembles an African tribal warrior, donning various garments from different tribes all across the African continent. He carries a long spear and a shield, resembling a large cultural mask.

His body is also adorned with warpaint.

account_circle Personality
Personality Traits:

Jabali's personality is what one could expect of a very proud and headstrong human warrior.

He takes great pride in his strength, which at times can lead to a form of arrogance, making him rather difficult to reason with, when he is convinced of something. In some cases this also leads to him, locking horns with certain fellow spirits, yet Jabali remains fiercely loyal to them, as he represents the strength of the heart.

Although he can be very headstrong and stubborn, Jabali's sense of honour and justice are just as strong as Albion's.

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism

Jabali resembles the inner strength of the heart, its ability to resist temptations and corruptions. He also gives the ability to be assertive an tap into rage.

grade Powers
settings_input_antenna Rituals
date_range History
edit Notes
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