info Overview
Name - What is Rinnarl (Light)'s name?

Rinnarl (Light)

Description - How would you describe Rinnarl (Light)?

The Goddess of Light, residing in the city of Luminus and ruler of the country Naron.

grade Powers

Can create demons (though she prefers her brand be called celestians to avoid the negative connotations) and can harness the light for her own purposes.

date_range History

Lunnoar is one of the six original deities of Eralon, given the singular land mass that became her country of Naron. She established her capitol city of Luminus near the highest mountain for the easiest access to the Soul Stream and did her best to keep the land and its people as pure as possible.

With the prophecy being told to her first, in her own court, Lunnoar is one of the biggest adversaries to the Chosen Ones. Despite her whole thing about purity and goodness she knows that it'd be the end of her if the prophecy comes to fruition so she is doing only what she needs to do in order to survive.

edit Notes



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