info Overview


Description - How would you describe a Windigoes?

Winter spirits that create blizzards and freezing weather

Type of creature - What type of animal is Windigoes?


pets Looks
Notable features - What physical features are most notable for Windigoes?

Opaque appearance

Color - What colors does a Windigoes come in?

Pale, icy blue

fingerprint Traits
Weaknesses - What are the notable weaknesses of Windigoes?


Strengths - What are the notable strengths of Windigoes?

Cryo manipulation

location_on Habitat
call_split Comparisons
Symbolisms - What symbolisms does Windigoes hold in your world?

Bad luck, disharmony

bubble_chart Classification
history Changelog
edit Notes

Windigoes are the spirits of ponies who died before the migration to Equestria. Times were extremely hard and disharmony caused a greater number of deaths than there would have been otherwise. The restless spirits fused with the harsh winter winds, and the Windigoes were born. They feed off of fighting and hatred.

timeline Evolution
scatter_plot Reproduction

This creature was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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