info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Other names - What other names is Tabantha known by?

Rito country

Description - How would you describe Tabantha?

The land controlled by the Rito in the Hebra region.

face Culture
Laws - What are the major laws in Tabantha?

The law of the land is enforced by the Rito, and all who live there must pay taxes to them, although because they are a poor nation with a tiny military, it is not difficult to avoid paying them.

Population - What is the population of Tabantha?

500 Rito, 200 Hylians, miniscule numbers of other races

Currency - What currency is used in Tabantha?

Rupees (R), Wing Tickets (WT)

Sports - What sports are popular in Tabantha?

Aerial archery and acrobatics, horse racing

terrain Geography
Area - How big is Tabantha?

Tabantha ranges from the Flight Range at the base of Hebra Mountain to the west entrance of the Tanagar Canyon, and from the Gigas Crater to just before Tama Pond, and includes the Hebra Plunge.

Crops - What crops does Tabantha import or export?

Crops: Tabantha wheat, mushrooms, swift violets, wild berries, spicy peppers

Game: rhino, moose, wolf, fox, pigeon, salmon, bass, trout

Other: wood, Rito feathers, pelts, bows

Climate - What is the climate like in Tabantha?

Cold and dry, cool summers and harsh winters, 40 inches of precipitation (mostly snow) per year

timeline History
Established year - When was Tabantha founded?

After the Calamity

Founding story - How was Tabantha founded?

Tabantha was established by the Rito to keep up with the other countries in hopes that having this much land would widen their export options.

history Changelog
edit Notes
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