info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Luximia?

A rich and beautiful country with one of the most powerful kingdoms on Ethera.

Other names - What other names is Luximia known by?

The land of crystals.

location_on Points of interest
face Culture
Population - What is the population of Luximia?

Population of 6.8 million

Social hierarchy - How is the population separated into hierarchical classes?

The hard workers live happily whie the useless are dealt with.

Laws - What are the major laws in Luximia?

No one is allowed to leave without a government authorization.
Everyone works to keep the society running smoothly. If you are seen as obsolete you will be dealt with.

Music - What kinds of music are popular in Luximia?

Harp music

Education - How important is education in Luximia?

Education is very important as the children of today will be the workers of tomorrow. All Luximian children are taught to be loyal to their country and ruler.

Architecture - What kind of architecture is popular in Luximia?

Greek/Roman + French architecture

Sports - What sports are popular in Luximia?

Tennis and football

terrain Geography
Crops - What crops does Luximia import or export?

Luximia exports lots of potatoes.

Climate - What is the climate like in Luximia?

Climate tends to be a mix of hot sunny days and rainy weekends.

date_range History
edit Notes

They are in partnership with the Fotia region

Government chevron_right Country link linked Luximia

Building chevron_right Country link linked Luximia

Country chevron_right Bordering countries link linked Luximia

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Luximia

Continent chevron_right Countries link linked Luximia

Planet chevron_right Countries link linked Luximia

Town chevron_right Description link mentioned Luximia

Town chevron_right Country link linked Luximia

Universe chevron_right Antagonists link mentioned Luximia

Item chevron_right Description link mentioned Luximia

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