info Overview
Local name - What do the people of Solis Ortus call it?

Solis Ortus

Other names - What other names is Solis Ortus called?

The sunrise continent

Description - What is Solis Ortus's description?

Solis Ortus is right at the center and just on top of the Etheran equator.

terrain Geography
Area - How large is Solis Ortus?

Quite large

Shape - What is Solis Ortus shaped like?

Like a continent

Population - How many people live in Solis Ortus?

Population of 18 million

Topography - How would you describe the topography of Solis Ortus?

Low lands, flat lands and lots of grass in the west.
Desert, dry lands and rainforests in the East.

Mineralogy - What minerals or other kinds of rocks are there in Solis Ortus?

Rich in minerals

Bodies of water - What large bodies of water are there in Solis Ortus?

Crystal lakes

Regional advantages - What regional advantages does Solis Ortus have?

Great for farming and crops

Regional disadvantages - What regional disadvantages does Solis Ortus have?

The East has a lot of volcanos.

face Culture
Demonym - What are the people that live in Solis Ortus called?

Solis Ortean

Politics - What are the politics like in Solis Ortus?

Absolute monarchies

Economy - What is the economy like in Solis Ortus?

Great :)

Tourism - What is the tourism like in Solis Ortus?

Barely any tourism

Architecture - What is the architectural style in Solis Ortus?

Greek/Italian style architecture

Reputation - What is Solis Ortus's reputation?

Respected but also very much feared

local_florist Nature
Crops - What crops are usually grown in Solis Ortus?

Wheat and other stuff

fireplace Climate
Temperature - How hot does it get in Solis Ortus? How cold?

Normal to hot.

Seasons - What are the seasons like in Solis Ortus?

Summers and springs

Humidity - How humid is it in Solis Ortus?

Quite humid

Precipitation - What kind of precipitation does Solis Ortus experience? How often?


Winds - What are the winds like in Solis Ortus?

Gentle winds

Natural disasters - What natural disasters are common in Solis Ortus?


date_range History
Formation - How did Solis Ortus originally form?

This was one of the first established continents.

Discovery - How was Solis Ortus discovered?

Since the beginning of civilization.

Wars - What wars have been fought in Solis Ortus?

The crystal massacre

Ruins - What ruins are there in Solis Ortus?

Old crystal caves

edit Notes
Country chevron_right Continent link linked Solis Ortus

Planet chevron_right Continents link linked Solis Ortus

Planet chevron_right World History link mentioned Solis Ortus

Race chevron_right Continent link linked Solis Ortus

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