info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Navin?

The southwestern kingdom

location_on Points of interest
face Culture
Population - What is the population of Navin?

1 million

Social hierarchy - How is the population separated into hierarchical classes?

Royalty, Lord, Governor, General, Captain, wealthy, populace

Currency - What currency is used in Navin?


Laws - What are the major laws in Navin?

Usual be nice. High Prince Daylin is egalitarian, Queen Sabiya favors the wealthy and punishes the poor.

Music - What kinds of music are popular in Navin?

Medieval lutes and drums.

Education - How important is education in Navin?

The wealthier you are the more important it is.

Architecture - What kind of architecture is popular in Navin?

Mediterranean, India style. Stone, wood, brick.

Sports - What sports are popular in Navin?

pig racing, goat carts for kids, foot races, swimming.

terrain Geography
Area - How big is Navin?

1750 miles east/west and 1500 miles north/south

Crops - What crops does Navin import or export?

Export: Silk, lemons, oranges, dates, pearls, pepper
Import: Wheat, rye, gold, linen

Climate - What is the climate like in Navin?

The north part is wetter. winter rain 35-50 degrees, summer 80-95 with afternoon storms. South is much drier. winters at 45-70 with rain. Summers 85-110 with occasional storms.

date_range History
Founding story - How was Navin founded?

Founded by Prince Navin when he inherited the land from his father and split off from his brothers. He kept the capital city at Madhya

Established year - When was Navin founded?

Great War

Notable wars - What notable wars has Navin participated in?

Great War- when the Oxyria split into three kingdoms
Battle of Dunraven- when Navin tried to take over Uttara
Maarika War- When Navin tried to move the border with Dakshin beyond the Maarika river.

edit Notes
Navin appears in the following documents
Town chevron_right Country link linked Navin

Building chevron_right Country link linked Navin

Country chevron_right Bordering countries link linked Navin

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