Anima Burnout
This is when too much anima is used for magic that it causes the victim to fall into a state of being both dead and alive.
This can permanent depending on how much anima was lost.
Drain disease, anima drain or zombification
Single-gene inheritance diseases and multifactorial genetic inheritance disorders could increase the victim's chances of dying from anima burnout.
A lot of stress
Using too much magic at once, using a spell too strong for the caster and necromancy.
It doesn't
It is maintained by making sure the spell your casting isn't too much for you or by waiting before casting another spell when you can feel your anima running dry.
The victim looks visibly drained, their eyes look exshausted
It makes the victim feel apathetic, tired and slow to process thing.
Low temperature, dry skin, dry lips, red eyes and muscle spasms.
For as long as it takes for the anima to regenerate
People can recover but it all depends on how long they're left to heal.
Moderate the amount of magic one is using.
By checking for symptoms and measuring their anima output which can be shown through a blood test.
Rest, hydration, massages and light stretching can help recover anima faster.
Any form of healing potion
There are no legal methods immunization....
Biology, medicine or magusologist
It depends on how much anima a person has.
Anima burnout was first recognized in the earliest days of Ethera, when the planet was still in its child stage and the creatures that were learning magic started to see the downsides to it too.
It has remained reletively the same.
Anima burnout kills elders faster than it does with younger people their immune system is usually not as responive as a child or adult would be.