info Overview
Name - What is the name of Mage's Guild?

Mage's Guild

Description - How would you describe the Mage's Guild group?

A guild of mages and magicborne people that channel the power of the natural elements through wands and staffs.

Other names - What other names is Mage's Guild known by?


list Members
location_on Locations
business Purpose
Motivations - What motivates Mage's Guild?

The Mage's Guild exists to protect passionate mages with good hearts and good intentions.

Goals - What is the primary goal of Mage's Guild?

To help educate mages and preserve wand/staff type magic.

Obstacles - What obstacles stand in the way of Mage's Guild?

The development of new technology means that the mage guild is slowly diminishing.

Risks - What risks are on the line for Mage's Guild?

Magic is always a risk. Every spell cast takes away Anima and that could lead to dangerous results like:
- Anima Burnout

Traditions - What traditions does Mage's Guild partake in?

Meditation to help focus the mind.
Exercises to strengthen mages because it takes strength to be able to carry around a tall magical staff.

thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
call_split Hierarchy


edit Notes
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