info Overview
Name - What is Zechariah Winston Nelson’s full name?

Zechariah Winston Nelson



Age - How old is Zechariah Winston Nelson?

Role - What is Zechariah Winston Nelson’s role in your story?


face Appearance
Hair Color/Style


Eye Color - What is Zechariah Winston Nelson’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Race - What is Zechariah Winston Nelson’s race?

Weeelele he is human and Amurican.

Height - How tall is Zechariah Winston Nelson?


loyalty Style
Theme Song

this is me trying - TS
daylight - TS
seven - TS
the archer - TS
i hate everybody - HALSEY

Clothing Style

Well he mostly wears things he can be athletic in, so cargo shorts and a t-shirt is his go-to outfit.

Music Taste

He likes modern pop & emo things. Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, Halsey, John Bellion.

Signature Color

he looks real good in blue

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Zechariah Winston Nelson most?

He wants to protect Betty & get back at the Wolves for killing like... everyone he knew. But mostly he wants safety, and peace. He just wants it to all be over.


Lawful Good

Flaws - What flaws does Zechariah Winston Nelson have?

Well... Does he have flaws? I don't know. Okay, now I need to hustle.

He can be a little hotheaded and gets aggressive when people hurt people he loves. Well, okay, when anyone hurts Betty. He's always been like that with her. He often decides on things with his heart instead of his head... and I mean, having feelings is a flaw right???? Cause they get in the way. This is why you shouldn't have feelings.

date_range History
Background - What is Zechariah Winston Nelson’s background?

Zach was raised in small-town lower New York, with a population of, like, eight people. At the age of sixteen, the Wolves became a problem. He lost his sister and ended up in a Sanctuary.

Birthday - When is Zechariah Winston Nelson’s birthday?

May 18th

Education - What is Zechariah Winston Nelson’s level of education?

Graduated Homeschool Kindergarten - 12th grade finished. He is good at science, math, and English, but not-so-great at history.

folder_open Power
groups Social
Occupation - What is Zechariah Winston Nelson’s occupation?

He works as a guard & hunter for the Sanctuary.

Politics - What politics does Zechariah Winston Nelson have?

He will support anyone who he believes is fit for a job in the government, whatever party they're in.

folder_open Relationships

This character was created by Kate Shank on

See more from Kate Shank
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