info Overview
Name - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s full name?

Brooke Esther Abbe

Gender - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s gender?

Female ( MTF )

Age - How old is Brooke Esther Abbe ?


Role - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s role in your story?

Brooke is in a relationship with the lovely June Belle Sutton. They go to the same Highschool with two brothers named Cal and Alex Amador.
One day, the brothers mysterious disappear for a few months and then randomly return one day.
It’s obvious to Brooke that they aren’t the same as they were when they left, and this leads to her diving into the worm hole of the brothers lives
What has she gotten herself into?

Other names - What other aliases does Brooke Esther Abbe go by?

Bee (June.)
Mamas (Cal.)

Name Meaning

Brooke is of English origin. Meaning “small stream”
Esther is of Persian origin. Meaning “star”
Abbe of Hebrew origin. Meaning “ father of exaltation”

face Looks
Race - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s race?

Haitian/African American


Haiti ( When she was younger) and America

Skin Tone

dark brown ( brownie )

Body Type

Tall with long arms and legs. Muscular with slight curves

Brooke can be described as a “Stallion”
Her face is angular with a strong chin and jaw line. Her cheeks are high and rounded like an apple. She has big but sky eyes that narrow when she looks to the side and a nose with a weak bridge that flattens down at the tip
Her lips are two different shades and are moderately plush and chapped
Brooke has broad shoulders that attach to strong and lithe arms and big/skinny hands.
She has undergone breast augmentation and has two well concealed scars underneath hier chest.
Brooke’s stomach is finely chiseled with the slightest appearance of abs and jutted hip bones.
Her hips and waist do not exceed her shoulders and merge down into strong thighs and small calves with a bony ankle.
Her feet are big and flat with the second toe being bigger than the first

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Brooke Esther Abbe have?

high cheek bones. single black mole on left cheek.

Weight - How much does Brooke Esther Abbe weigh?


Height - How tall is Brooke Esther Abbe ?


Hair Color - What color is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Brooke Esther Abbe style their hair?

Brooke likes to wear her hair in braids ( crow rows or box braids ) and has only dreaded her hair once in her life when it was long enough
Wigs are not he favorite, but she does like to pick and chose between different colors and texture styles
He natural hair only makes an appearance every 2.3 months or so when transitioning between hair styles ( be it braids again or a wig )

Eye Color - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s eye color?

Rich black to the naked eye, but in actuality her eye color is a nice dark brown that can change with the lighting

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Brooke Esther Abbe have?

Blinks excessively

Does a mix of jaw clenching and chain smoking when stressed

Likes to hold June close in private/social situations

Flutters her eyes to make June blush

Walks with good posture

Likes to stand close to others

Picks at her cuticles and kicks he foot absently when bored

Moves quickly between tasks

Clenches fists/exhales sharply when irritated


Body dysmorphia- still finds herself obsessing over the need to feel feminine and constant goes on benders where she either starved herself or eats too much to get the perfect “female body”

PTSD- when coming out, Brooke was nearly killed by her father but was saved due to the bravery of her brother. Unfortunately, Brooke was forced to witness his death at the hands of their father when the older man got a hold of his gun. Brooke was able to escape with a bullet wound to the calve and a few major bruises/minor cuts

Personality type - What personality type is Brooke Esther Abbe ?

ENTJ-A: “ characterized as a natural leader. These high-achiever individuals are typically described as logical, confident, expressive, assertive and goal-orientated”

Strengths: Efficient, Energetic, self-confident, strong willed, strategic thinkers, charismatic and inspiring

Weaknesses: stubborn/dominant, intolerant, impatient, arrogant, poor handling of emotions, and ruthless/cold



Hobbies - What hobbies does Brooke Esther Abbe have?

Likes to do face masks with June and Alex

Makes props for June’s photo shoots

Long runs in the early hours of the morning

Prejudices - What prejudices does Brooke Esther Abbe have?

Angsty/shaky around angry grown men- will be mean to them first before they even speak to her

Flaws - What flaws does Brooke Esther Abbe have?

Not very confident in herself.
Always doubting her relationship with June.
Full of anxiety and body dysmorphia

Motivations - What motivates Brooke Esther Abbe most?

She wants to find justice, in some way or fashion
To prove to herself that she is empowering and inspirational

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Brooke Esther Abbe practice?


Favorite color - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s favorite color?

Purple and green

Favorite food - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s favorite food?

Haitian patty

Favorite possession - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s favorite possession?

a red, blue, golden, and white braided bracelet given to her by June.

Favorite animal - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Brooke Esther Abbe have?

Temporarily helps June but mainly works at a local footlocker

Occupation - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s occupation?

June’s Girlfriend. Helps out Odin and Cal when their ‘missions’ are hardcore

Politics - What politics does Brooke Esther Abbe have?

left leaning, trans rights, climate change exists, hates trump a lot

info History
Education - What is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s level of education?

high school ( senior )

Birthday - When is Brooke Esther Abbe ’s birthday?

January 17th, 2003

Zodiac Sign


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Brooke Esther Abbe have?

la hotte bush frog ( Pete )

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Sounds like Numa Perrier
‘80s aesthetic with a modern twist thrown in
Radiates big ass and twunk energy
Submissive Switch
Hates skirts because they always chaff her- dresses are cool though
Would follow June around as the imposter and protect her from the over imposter but still kill people
Asked June out after skinny dipping with her late one night
Doesn’t like to smoke around Alex, even though she knows he smokes too

folder_open Pinterest aesthetic
folder_open Music
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