info Overview
Name - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s full name?

Alex Luis Amador

Gender - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s gender?

Male ( FTM )

Age - How old is Alex Luis Amador ?


Role - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s role in your story?

Brother of Cal Amador and best friend to Odin Layfet

Other names - What other aliases does Alex Luis Amador go by?

Big Man, lex ( Odin )
Hermano, Lex ( Cal )

Name Meaning

Alex is of English origin. It means “defender of people”
Luis is of Spanish origin. Meaning “Famous Warrior”
Amador is of Latin origin. Meaning “Lover”

face Looks
Race - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s race?



Puerto Rico/Cuba and American

Skin Tone


Body Type

He is not known for his height and is rather small compared to other men, but is still on the right path for his age. Doctors theorize he’ll be over six foot by the time he is 18, but it’s only a theory
Alex has a round face, covered in freckles and or moles from playing in the sun without sunscreen. He has nice lush lips and eyes that are a bit thin on his face. His nose is flat and rounds down slightly at the end. The width of his nose creates a slightly larger space between his eyes than most “average” peoples.
Alex has undergone top surgery and has two matching scars on each side of his body under his chest. He is still young so his body is in the process of growing out of the “awkward stage”. He still has a bit of chub to him that mainly gathers around his upper arms and stomach. His forearms, however, a slightly muscled and attacked to hands that are big with strong fingers.
Alex’s hips do not match the width of his shoulders and are actually slightly narrow. His waist sticks out a bit to give him a slightly dip of the hips, but it is not highly noticeable.
His legs are averagely muscled with thick calves and small feet

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alex Luis Amador have?

Freckles across the face
Plush lips

Weight - How much does Alex Luis Amador weigh?


Height - How tall is Alex Luis Amador ?


Hair Color - What color is Alex Luis Amador ’s hair?

Amber ( he likes to dye it a muted orange and lets the roots grow out longer than necessary. So his hair is two different colors most of the time. )

Hair Style - How does Alex Luis Amador style their hair?

Cut off right below the ears. Straight but can curl up in the heat

Eye Color - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alex Luis Amador have?

Tendency to mumble when irritated
Likes to hum to fill the quiet
Chin quivers when full of anxiety or stressed
Lips twitch when either bored or pondering
Does a bunch of sideways glances
Rolls his eyes a lot
Shrugs his shoulders in response to questions ( he does this a lot because it pisses cal off )
When sitting in a chair he will spread his legs and rock back


Body dysmorphia- Having hated his body his whole life, his body dysmorphia increased ten fold when he figures out he could shape shift into anything (including women) and he felt ashamed/scared of himself.

PTSD- He has nightmares about his time at the labs and every time he goes to the doctor he can’t help but remember what happened to him.

Phobia ( certain animals )- When being experimented on, Alex was subjected to multiple hours of contact with multiple animals. Both big and small. From those experiences Alex learned he’s come to fear some animals. For example, Alex was locked in a room with a doe. They sat in silence for multiple hours, days. And Alex finds the sight of their emotionless black, beast eyes disturbing to the point he begins to hyperventilate

Personality type - What personality type is Alex Luis Amador ?

Alex is the type of kid to be loud and energetic around people he is friends with/want to impress, but when he is with others he will mostly talk slowly/uninterested.
He can be very sarcastic and joke around a lot, but in his low moments of energy he lets himself chill and relax. That usually leads to him genuinely striking up conversation with anyone who speaks to him first.

He does not have many emotions. His only main two are irritation or boredom, but he does smile a lot. Be it sarcastically or unconsciously.

Alex can have long moments of self hate and doubt. He does his best to measure up to Cal’s standards, but always sells himself short to the point he does not amount to his brothers power. He needs to get out of his head.

When sad, Alex will close off and stare into space. He doesn’t really like to talk about his problems and is understanding when people try to ask him what’s wrong.

Overall, Alex can be a class clown, the quiet kid and the emo kid all in one



Hobbies - What hobbies does Alex Luis Amador have?

wrestling- Cal tried to get him into something artsy like dance or art, but Alex found out he was more interested into hands on combat. Something that would allow him to keep his powers in check

swimming- it’s more of a last time to let him mellow out and think

doing face masks/skin care stuff with June and Brooke ( he loves them and calls them his adoptive moms )

Prejudices - What prejudices does Alex Luis Amador have?

None, but he does have a problem of immediately judging people for the worst when he tells them he’s trans

Flaws - What flaws does Alex Luis Amador have?


( Don’t tell Cal this- but he started smoking out of anxiety when his brother would be away for long periods of time. It’s not a smart coping mechanism, but it’s the only thing that keeps him from tracking down Cal out of worry )

Motivations - What motivates Alex Luis Amador most?

His brother
Alex and Cal have a profusely deep bond. They will fight for each other even if it kills them

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Alex Luis Amador practice?


Favorite color - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s favorite color?

muted orange

Favorite food - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s favorite food?

arroz con gandules

Favorite possession - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s favorite possession?

A yellow shirt with a cartoon/realistic tigers spirting fire/acid as it jumps out from an orange bordered back ground

Favorite weapon - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s favorite weapon?

Anything close to him that he can throw ( He does not really like to use his powers.)

Favorite animal - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Alex Luis Amador have?

Stocks shelves at a grocery store in his home town

Occupation - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s occupation?

brother and friend

Politics - What politics does Alex Luis Amador have?

trans rights, pro choice, pro immigrant, black lives matter, climate change is real. left leaning independent

info History
Education - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s level of education?

highschool freshmen

Birthday - When is Alex Luis Amador ’s birthday?

February 26th, 2005

Zodiac Sign


Background - What is Alex Luis Amador ’s background?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Alex Luis Amador have?

A sato.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Sounds like Renoly Santiago
has mostly girl friends but is very close to Odin
likes to fight ( for sport )
enjoys watching odin practice magic/witchcraft
likes clowncore
strongest top.

folder_open Pinterest aesthetic
folder_open Music
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