info Overview
Name - What is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s full name?

Kevin Stuart Marques

Gender - What is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s gender?


Age - How old is Kevin Stuart Marques ?


Role - What is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s role in your story?

An alien creature that sneaks into a random house in the woods he lives in and meets a demon inhabiting the body of the small families middle child. They become friends.

Other names - What other aliases does Kevin Stuart Marques go by?

Creature, short stack, Stuart (Cody)
‘It’ ( Cody’s family/bullies at school)
Kev ( Zachary )
Mission ( Jomei )

face Looks
Race - What is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s race?

He is alien but takes on the skin of an African man

Skin Tone

Cinnamon brown

Body Type

Slightly chubby
Wind torso
Slim waist
Nice legs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kevin Stuart Marques have?

Three small black circles under each eye
No eye brows
Pitch black eyes
Hoop piercings on each ear, and a bar on the left

Weight - How much does Kevin Stuart Marques weigh?


Height - How tall is Kevin Stuart Marques ?


Hair Color - What color is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s hair?

black faded to blond

Hair Style - How does Kevin Stuart Marques style their hair?

Curly with shaved sides
Hair kinda gets into his eyes

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kevin Stuart Marques have?


Eye Color - What is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s eye color?

Pitch black

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kevin Stuart Marques have?

his friends, mostly.



Personality type - What personality type is Kevin Stuart Marques ?

mischievous. fiery. enjoys collecting things. does a lot of feeling. acts stupid but is actually smart. crys freely. sensitive. hates conflict.


Does not know

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kevin Stuart Marques have?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Kevin Stuart Marques have?

he doesn’t have any serious prejudices....he just hates some types of fruit

Flaws - What flaws does Kevin Stuart Marques have?

Very chaotic
Short attention span
When he gets sad he REALLY gets sad. Same with when he gets happy/excited

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Kevin Stuart Marques practice?

follows no religion

Favorite color - What is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s favorite weapon?

He likes to use his shifting claws to protect himself but finds it funnier to throw used- or full- soda cans at people as well oranges

Favorite animal - What is Kevin Stuart Marques ’s favorite animal?

Whatever Mr.Goose is

info History
device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kevin Stuart Marques have?

Shred owner ship of Mr.Goose with Zachary

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Sounds like Greg Cipes

folder_open Pinterest aesthetic
folder_open Music
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