info Overview
Name - What is Concord Mãng Xà’s full name?

Concord Mãng Xà

Age - How old is Concord Mãng Xà?


Gender - What is Concord Mãng Xà’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Concord Mãng Xà go by?


Role - What is Concord Mãng Xà’s role in your story?

Villain so far, potentially a student at Beacon or whatever

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Concord Mãng Xà’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Concord Mãng Xà style their hair?

Middle-back, in a loose ponytail. Usually the tail is flopped over her shoulder and nocked against her chest.

Hair Color - What color is Concord Mãng Xà’s hair?

Dyed violet, blonde streaks

Height - How tall is Concord Mãng Xà?


Body Type

Curvy and lightly toned, taking after her father in aesthetic/cosmetic care

Skin Tone

Pale almond

Race - What is Concord Mãng Xà’s race?

Half-human, half-faunus (tiger)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Concord Mãng Xà have?

Prone to teasing, sarcasm and picking false or poorly worded statements apart. Concord has issues understanding when to stop doing something when excited without third party intervention.

Flaws - What flaws does Concord Mãng Xà have?

Connie has a tendency to have no medium level between docile and extreme methods.

Mild trust issues cause her to occasionally over-question people on some matters.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Concord Mãng Xà have?

Distaste for for phrases "the right thing" and "good guy", believing them to be merely conceited and skewed viewpoints.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Concord Mãng Xà have?

Drumming her fingers on things to figure out what it sounds like. It drove her father up the wall often

Personality type - What personality type is Concord Mãng Xà?


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Concord Mãng Xà’s favorite color?

White gold

Languages spoken

Favorite weapon - What is Concord Mãng Xà’s favorite weapon?

To be decided

Favorite food - What is Concord Mãng Xà’s favorite food?

Literally any edible fish

Politics - What politics does Concord Mãng Xà have?

Believes indecisive people should be gutted out of positions of authority and power.

info History
Birthday - When is Concord Mãng Xà’s birthday?

June 5th

Background - What is Concord Mãng Xà’s background?

Concord was born in Menagerie and brought to Mistral, Anima by her father at a young age.

device_hub Family
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history Changelog
edit Notes

Concord inherited her Semblance from her father.


Her Semblance is here

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Concord Mãng Xà

This character was created by Sp00ky on

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