info Overview
Name - What is Elegance Crysten’s full name?

Elegance Crysten

Role - What is Elegance Crysten’s role in your story?

Cynical Time Jumper

Gender - What is Elegance Crysten’s gender?


Age - How old is Elegance Crysten?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Elegance Crysten weigh?

165 lbs (74 kg)

Height - How tall is Elegance Crysten?


Hair Color - What color is Elegance Crysten’s hair?

Dark red

Hair Style - How does Elegance Crysten style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elegance Crysten have?


Eye Color - What is Elegance Crysten’s eye color?

Light pink

Race - What is Elegance Crysten’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elegance Crysten have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elegance Crysten have?

Doesn't make eye contact. When she does, it's something either very important, or shes pissed.

Motivations - What motivates Elegance Crysten most?

Elegance's biggest motivation is no make sure people futures (if bad) don't go awry by warning them beforehand. [This in turn itself, can result in a bad future or multiple universes....]

Flaws - What flaws does Elegance Crysten have?

Because of the things she's seen in the future, she is conditioned to expect bad things, and not be too happy.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Elegance Crysten have?

No prejudices

Talents - What talents does Elegance Crysten have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Elegance Crysten have?

Going into the future, warning people about theirs and potentially ruining the universe, mourning over her sister

Personality type - What personality type is Elegance Crysten?


Unusual Properties

Elegance is aware that she is a cartoon character. She is one out of 2 people who can break the 4th wall.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Elegance Crysten’s birthday?

November 25th

Education - What is Elegance Crysten’s level of education?

Crystal Academy graduate

Background - What is Elegance Crysten’s background?

Elegance was the daughter of a king and queen, heir to the Crystal Kingdom. On the day that she and her sister were to inherit the throne a time changing event occurred. (Now before I continue, you have to know something important. To inherit the throne, family members must sign a contract by writing a crystal by hand. Remember that now.) Elegance was not like her sister. She did not desire to lead her kingdom, nor did she want to let down her beloved sister. By this point, she was standing next to her sister, who had already signed. Elegance started to illustrate the crystal- but stopped when she was almost done, crossing it out, refusing to accept her place in her kingdom. Everyone was in disbelief at this, but it didn't matter to Elegance. She knew this is what she wanted to do. That is until she saw her sister's face. Her utter disappointment. This sent Elegance into a breakdown, causing the electrons in the crystals that made up the kingdom to become severely unbalanced, shaking everything, and making a rift in the air. This rift.. was a time rift. Elegance, wanting to get rid of her life and start over, escaped through it, never looking back. Where she went... that's another story.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Remy on

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