info Overview
Name - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s full name?

Newman Cumulonimbus

Role - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Newman Cumulonimbus go by?

"water fountain" - Sebastian

Gender - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s gender?


Age - How old is Newman Cumulonimbus?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Newman Cumulonimbus weigh?

0 lbs

Height - How tall is Newman Cumulonimbus?


Hair Color - What color is Newman Cumulonimbus’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Newman Cumulonimbus style their hair?

Fluffy, "slicked" forward

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Newman Cumulonimbus have?


Eye Color - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s eye color?

Yellow whenever he's pissed. [HAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE]

Race - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s race?

Cumulonimbus Cloud

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Newman Cumulonimbus have?

A pointy red bow tie around his neck

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Newman Cumulonimbus have?

shaky speech, appears to be almost flustered or confused literally all the time

Newman tends to have a face that says "sorry." [By this we mean it seems like he's just curbstomped your dog and handed it to you as if it were an accident.]

Looking apologetic for anything

Motivations - What motivates Newman Cumulonimbus most?

Newman is just trying to get by. Seeing as his family isnt exactly a family and that Remy can't seem to flesh out Hotel Indig- I mean his greatest motivation is to be a magician.

Flaws - What flaws does Newman Cumulonimbus have?

Although he's very polite, the world doesn't work that way.

So, naturally, he never says no, being taken advantage of.

This way or may not feed into the meaning of "water fountain."

Prejudices - What prejudices does Newman Cumulonimbus have?

Newman has no prejudice against anyone. As for anything, Newman seems to be at a "silent war" with Flower Boy to "see who can be the most pure."

We'll see how that turns out.

Talents - What talents does Newman Cumulonimbus have?

Dancing, entertainment, being good with children

Hobbies - What hobbies does Newman Cumulonimbus have?

Practicing his magic with Judge, Solving cases with his brother, Gardening with his sister, Reminiscing with Bom

Personality type - What personality type is Newman Cumulonimbus?


Unusual Properties

Unlike 99.9% of fictional characters, Newman's outfit occasionally changes.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Newman Cumulonimbus practice?

No current religion.

Politics - What politics does Newman Cumulonimbus have?

No political stance.

Occupation - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s favorite possession?

His trusty hat

Favorite weapon - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s favorite weapon?

His magic wand and "flight" abilities

Favorite animal - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Newman Cumulonimbus have?

Brother, son, magician

date_range History
Birthday - When is Newman Cumulonimbus’s birthday?

June/July 16th

Education - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s level of education?

Sorcerer Academy graduate

Background - What is Newman Cumulonimbus’s background?

As a child, Newman was closed off due to his fathers ill-made choices. Despite that though, this apple fell hella far from the tree. Knowing that certain "morals" weren't right, he set out with his brother in New Cloud City. From New Cloud City, Newman left to chase his own dream; becoming more than his father ever amounted to.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

after ncc, the hotel indigo timeline takes place.

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Newman Cumulonimbus

This character was created by Remy on

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