info Overview
Name - What is Keisha Michaelson’s full name?

Keisha Michaelson

Role - What is Keisha Michaelson’s role in your story?

Page's roommate, close friend, and former track teammate. A witty and friendly go-getter.

Age - How old is Keisha Michaelson?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Keisha Michaelson have?

Approachable and relaxed. Giggles a lot, and is willing to take one for the team and laugh at your bad jokes.

Motivations - What motivates Keisha Michaelson most?

Her curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and her love for her friends.

Flaws - What flaws does Keisha Michaelson have?

Absent-minded, disorganized, competitive

Talents - What talents does Keisha Michaelson have?

Name any year, and she can tell you who was King of England or President of the U.S. She's also very athletic.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Keisha Michaelson have?

Reading, watching documentaries, doing Snapchat challenges

Personality type - What personality type is Keisha Michaelson?

ENTP 7w6 (me too!)

Zodiac Sign



Losing loved ones, natural disasters

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Keisha Michaelson practice?


Politics - What politics does Keisha Michaelson have?

All around left-leaning. She's from Burlington, so she's an even bigger Bernie fan than your average college-aged progressive.

Occupation - What is Keisha Michaelson’s occupation?

History student

Favorite color - What is Keisha Michaelson’s favorite color?

Lime green, bright yellow

Favorite food - What is Keisha Michaelson’s favorite food?

Blueberry pancakes

Favorite possession - What is Keisha Michaelson’s favorite possession?

Her bicycle, even if it's too snowy to ride it most of the year.

Favorite animal - What is Keisha Michaelson’s favorite animal?

Bees (she was an assistant beekeeper in high school)

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Keisha Michaelson weigh?

140 lbs

Height - How tall is Keisha Michaelson?


Hair Color - What color is Keisha Michaelson’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Keisha Michaelson style their hair?

She changes it every few months, but for the bulk of the story, it's in long box braids.

Eye Color - What is Keisha Michaelson’s eye color?

Dark brown

Skin Tone

Warm deep brown

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Keisha Michaelson have?


Kibbe Type

Soft Natural

Color Season

Deep Autumn

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device_hub Family
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looks Random
audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes
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