info Overview
Name - What is Dusty’s full name?


Role - What is Dusty’s role in your story?

Ex-king of the SandWings, Scorpia's father.

Gender - What is Dusty’s gender?


Age - How old is Dusty?


remove_red_eye Looks
Height - How tall is Dusty?


Eye Color - What is Dusty’s eye color?


Race - What is Dusty’s race?


Scale color

Dusty has golden scales.

Body Type

Dusty is tall, muscular, and handsome. He has smallish wings and an extra tall dorsal frill.

Identifying Features

Dusty has freckles.

local_florist Personality
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dusty have?

Dusty is funny and lighthearted most of the time though he can often get upset and grumpy. He tells lots of dad jokes and doesn't care about or understand the trends or inside jokes of younger generations. Dusty likes social situations, though he's not very good at actually going to them.

Motivations - What motivates Dusty most?

Dusty is motivated by his sense of morals. Although this is true of nearly everyone, the quickest way for Dusty to take action against something is if he sees it as wrong. He is really into politics and would probably have the potential to be a pretty stable ruler of his kingdom if it weren't for the over-controlling queen.

Flaws - What flaws does Dusty have?

Dusty isn't very good at making friends. He's a good leader and people appreciate his decisiveness in work-related situations, but when it comes to social interaction, his strong opinions and willingness to speak his mind no matter what can push some people away.

Talents - What talents does Dusty have?

Dusty is good at playing instruments, particularly percussion. He loves drums and shakers and playing and practicing them.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dusty have?

Dusty enjoys reading, working, playing music, and building things.

Personality type - What personality type is Dusty?

Dusty is strong and decisive. He likes being king and would be a good one if it weren't for his wife. He is a hard worker and values it a lot. He is creative, appreciates art (especially music), and likes to tell jokes and funny stories. Dusty likes being a leader and is very good at making tough decisions and giving clear orders.

group Relationships
Occupation - What is Dusty’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Dusty’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Dusty’s favorite possession?

He doesn't have one.

local_library History
Birthday - When is Dusty’s birthday?

September 14th

Education - What is Dusty’s level of education?

Dusty has graduated school.

Early Life

Dusty grew up in the Sand Kingdom with his parents and siblings. When he grew up he met and married Glimmer, she was already queen at the time. Dusty had two dragonets with her, although he never got to meet Scorpia, as he was caught planning a riot against his wife and was murdered by her late one night by the side of a far off Oasis.

edit Notes

Dusty has lived in cities for the majority of his life, but he actually doesn't care much for them and prefers the wild.

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Dusty

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Dusty

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Dusty

This character was created by Scorpia on

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