info Overview
Name - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s full name?

Luke Robert Hemmings

Role - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s role in your story?

A pain in the ass

Other names - What other aliases does Luke Robert Hemmings go by?

Luke, Hemmings, Blondie

Gender - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s gender?


Age - How old is Luke Robert Hemmings?


face Looks
Body Type

Athletic, muscular, tall

Skin Tone


Race - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s race?


Eye Color - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s eye color?

Baby blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Luke Robert Hemmings have?


Hair Style - How does Luke Robert Hemmings style their hair?

Just lets it lay

Hair Color - What color is Luke Robert Hemmings’s hair?


Height - How tall is Luke Robert Hemmings?


Weight - How much does Luke Robert Hemmings weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Luke Robert Hemmings have?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Luke Robert Hemmings have?

Being annoying, singing

Prejudices - What prejudices does Luke Robert Hemmings have?

He thinks women can't lead as well as men and that they're not as good at fighting.

Flaws - What flaws does Luke Robert Hemmings have?

He's a tad mysoginistic most of the way through B1

Hobbies - What hobbies does Luke Robert Hemmings have?

Playing the guitar, singing, drinking

Personality type - What personality type is Luke Robert Hemmings?

He's calm, chilled, almost icy. He's strong and brave in front of the gang, but when it's just him and Lil, he's a sweetie pie.

Motivations - What motivates Luke Robert Hemmings most?

Love. Family. Revenge.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Luke Robert Hemmings have?

He taps his fingers a lot, bites his cheek

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s favorite possession?

His leather jacket. It was Ben's before he was put in the hospital (coma)

Job - What job does Luke Robert Hemmings have?


Religion - What religion does Luke Robert Hemmings practice?

He doesn't, but was raised in the church

Politics - What politics does Luke Robert Hemmings have?

Stupid ones

Occupation - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s favorite weapon?

His fists

Favorite animal - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s favorite animal?


info History
Education - What is Luke Robert Hemmings’s level of education?

College dropout

Birthday - When is Luke Robert Hemmings’s birthday?

July 16, 1996

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history Changelog
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