info Overview
Name - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s full name?

LillyAndra Corrine Winchester

Role - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s role in your story?

A Protagonist Shall Lead Them

Other names - What other aliases does LillyAndra Corrine Winchester go by?

Lilith, Lilly, Little Winchester

Gender - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s gender?


Age - How old is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester?


face Looks
Body Type

athletic, curvy, mostly mature

Skin Tone


Race - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s race?


Eye Color - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s eye color?

Cornflower blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does LillyAndra Corrine Winchester have?


Hair Style - How does LillyAndra Corrine Winchester style their hair?

Long hair, curly

Hair Color - What color is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s hair?


Height - How tall is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester?


Weight - How much does LillyAndra Corrine Winchester weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does LillyAndra Corrine Winchester have?

Her eyes, and a birthmark on the back of her neck

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite possession - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s favorite possession?

Her mother's locket.

Job - What job does LillyAndra Corrine Winchester have?

Baretender @ Eden

Politics - What politics does LillyAndra Corrine Winchester have?

She wants to have the gang back in the Winchester family

Favorite color - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s favorite color?

Green, like Dean's eyes

Favorite food - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s favorite food?

Whatever Ellen cooks

Favorite weapon - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s favorite weapon?

Butterfly knife

Favorite animal - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s favorite animal?


info History
Education - What is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s level of education?


Birthday - When is LillyAndra Corrine Winchester’s birthday?

December 27, 2001

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