info Overview
Name - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s full name?

Treb Noke (WIP)

Role - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s role in your story?

Captain of a scavenging expedition to the Fringes

Age - How old is Treb Noke (WIP)?

Mid 30's

Gender - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Treb Noke (WIP) go by?


face Looks
Race - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s race?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Treb Noke (WIP) have?

Thick brown beard

Hair Style - How does Treb Noke (WIP) style their hair?

Thick, coarse, and short

Hair Color - What color is Treb Noke (WIP)’s hair?

Dark brown

Height - How tall is Treb Noke (WIP)?


Weight - How much does Treb Noke (WIP) weigh?

I don't know and I literally don't care

Eye Color - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s eye color?


Extras (wings, tails, horns, etc.)


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Treb Noke (WIP) have?

Plenty of small scars, a small tattoo of a phrase in an obscure language on his right wrist.

Body Type


Skin Tone


fingerprint Nature
Theme Song(s)

Cyberpunk 2077 Radio Mix


He has the ability to burn and rapidly dehydrate his enemies just by touching them. This is not an inborn power–he got infected by a semi-sentient alien bacteria once and it protects him sometimes. When using the power, his skin turns pitch black with swirling blobs of blue-green in shifting patterns on his shoulders and torso.

Motivations - What motivates Treb Noke (WIP) most?

He's an avid explorer and has a sharp nose for anything valuable. When he was young, he dreamed of leading expeditions in search of unknown worlds and forms of life. Fringe scavenging offers many of the same excitements–but way less fame and glory.

Flaws - What flaws does Treb Noke (WIP) have?

Prone to violence and recklessness. Pretends to be in control but often has no idea what he's doing. Has developed some strong prejudices towards certain alien races and knows exactly how to be as rude as possible to them. Not good at pep talks.

Talents - What talents does Treb Noke (WIP) have?

Is both a pilot and ship's mechanic, speaks several common languages, can make fast decisions, good with guns and also his fists if necessary, experienced at trading/bartering.

Personality type - What personality type is Treb Noke (WIP)?

Commanding, jaded, ambitious yet pessimistic, not all that sociable.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s favorite possession?

His small, beat-up spaceship–a little C-9006 Dinger he got from a retired military scout in Paraman. Her instruments are perfect for scavenging, too. All he had to do was convert some extra space for cargo and add a carbon tagger, which is pretty easy.

Favorite weapon - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s favorite weapon?


Favorite color - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s favorite color?

Dark plum

Occupation - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s occupation?

Self-employed freelance scavenger

Religion - What religion does Treb Noke (WIP) practice?

none--religions give him The Confusion



info History
Education - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s level of education?

Limited. Most of what he knows is street-smarts kind of stuff or self-taught.

Background - What is Treb Noke (WIP)’s background?

Was born on a planet called Neue (Pronounced NO-ay).
Grew up poor in a large, mostly human colony called Speranta. Left when he was fourteen and hasn't been back since. He's bounced from one trading crew to another for a long time, and now he's the captain of his own ship.
He's worked for (and sold goods to) criminals in the past, and has done a few underhanded things himself over the years. He's also wanted in some places. Still, he has standards.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Treb Noke (WIP) have?


shopping_basket Inventory

Tough, militaristic old clothes with lots of pockets.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Yeah, he looks like Jake Gyllenhaal, but with slightly more beard and less of a smile.


This character was created by The Dust on

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